General Policies

Library users are expected to adhere to the following general policies:

  • Refrain from holding long conversations with others in all areas of the Library, including the entrance. If you would like to have a conversation longer than a minute or two, please exit the Library to do so.
  • Refrain from talking on your cell phone while in the Library. If you must take a phone call, please kindly ask the caller to hold, and then exit the Library completely before beginning your phone conversation.
  • Audible audio (from portable speakers, laptops, tablets, smartphones, or other audio players--regardless of volume level--is not permitted in the Library, including audio from recorded lectures/sermons or live class meetings via videoconferencing. Closed-end headphones or earbuds must be used for all audio listening, including audio listening in individual study rooms.
  • Leaving personal items in the Library for extended periods (while the Library is closed for chapel, periods longer than approx. 10 min., etc.) is not permitted. If you know you will be away for an extended period from the Library space you are using, you must take your personal belongings with you.
  • In order to maintain the Library space and to ensure it remains conducive to research and study at all times, food is prohibited within the Library. We encourage patrons who bring securely stored or packaged food from home in their bags to enjoy their food in the courtyard immediately beyond the Library exit or at the Mathena Student Center.
  • Drinks are allowed in the Library. We encourage all patrons to be mindful of the areas they occupy and exercise care when drinking beverages. Please ensure that your beverage container has a lid. If you have a spill, please notify Library staff immediately.
Academic Integrity Policy

The statement below is from the Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary 2016-2017 Academic Catalog and The Midwestern College 2016-2017 Academic Catalog:

Integrity in Theological Studies

The fundamental purpose of Midwestern is to assist the development of Christian ministers who are equipped to make responsible and relevant witness to the redeeming Gospel of Jesus Christ in the context of the vastly complex and rapidly changing modern culture in which God has granted us the grace of life. In accordance with this purpose, therefore, Midwestern dearly cherishes and earnestly seeks to foster among all its students the qualities of spiritual dedication, creative imagination, and personal integrity.

Consequently, the Administration and Faculty of Midwestern expect, as a minimum requirement, that each student shall do his or her own work. The student is to let every test and examination reflect only the best results of his or her own disciplined study. Likewise, every term paper and written report must represent the student’s own original approach to the task assigned, and they should not contain either direct quotations or paraphrases of any part of any other writer’s book or paper, published or unpublished, for which due credit is not given to the original author. Such credit should be acknowledged by proper citation (in text, footnotes, and bibliography) of the sources employed.

Unless otherwise instructed by the professor under whose direction the paper is prepared, the most recent edition of Turabian’s A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations (with such supplements as may be prepared by the faculty) will serve as the guide for citing all sources.

It cannot be exaggerated how strongly Midwestern deplores plagiarism in all its forms. Dishonesty is incompatible with the very purpose for which a student avails himself of its ministries. It is to be desired that one remain without a degree rather than to obtain it by dishonest means, for Christianity cannot countenance conduct that contradicts its basic tenets. It is further to be hoped that each individual will recognize a responsibility for his brother as well as for himself in all such matters. 

This statement was first adopted by the faculty of Midwestern on October 5, 1961, and continues to be affirmed by the current faculty.

Alumni Card

Graduates of Midwestern may obtain an alumni card. This card entitles you to limited library services and is valid for one year from the date of issue. To apply for an Alumni Library Card, please click here:


ATLAS for Alum allows MBTS alumni to access ATLASerials Database. Please contact the Midwestern Library for more information.

Midwestern is pleased to offer graduates access to ATLASerials database, the American Theological Library Association's online full-text collection of major religion and theology journals used by libraries, librarians, religion scholars, theologians, and clergy!  Please contact Chris Vaughn for login credentials.

General Information

Please contact the Circulation Desk at (816) 414-3729 with any questions you may have.


How long can I check out books?

Borrowing Lengths


MBTS Books

# MBTS Book Renewals

MBTS Media

ILL (Interlibrary Loan)


28 days




2 hour – 28 days

MOBIUS -28 days or Lending Library policy

ThM and PhD Students



2 hour – 28 days

MOBIUS -28 days or Lending Library policy


1 Year


2 hour – semester

MOBIUS -28 days or Lending Library policy


28 days


2 hour – 28 days

MOBIUS -28 days or Lending Library policy


28 days


2 hour – 28 days



Are there any items that cannot be checked out?

The following types of items DO NOT circulate so that they may be accessible to everyone.

  • Reference materials
  • Archives/Special Collections
  • Periodicals

How many books or media items may I check out?

Borrowing Limits




ILL Checkouts







ThM and PhD Students




















Area Minister










Family Member






How can I renew Items?

  • Online. Click 'Login' at the top of this page. Use the 13 digit number on your ID card. Then click 'View All My Items' then click 'Renew Item.'
  • In person at the Circulation Desk. The first time a book is renewed there is no need to bring the book to the library.
  • By phone at (816) 414-3729--Full title and patron ID information must be given
  • By sending an e-mail message to:

Circumstances in which items cannot be renewed:

  • Items having a hold placed by other patrons
  • Items already having the maximum number of renewals
    • If item is still needed, it can be returned at the Circulation Desk
    • It can then be checked out again as long as it has not been requested by another patron
  • The patron account has been blocked due to the number of overdue items . Items must be returned  before renewal is available

PhD Students

  • There is no automatic renewal of overdue items for PhD students

How do I return Library items?

  • Return to the Library Circulation Desk when the Library is open
  • Items may also be mailed back to MBTS Library at student’s expense

MBTS Library

5001 N. Oak Trafficway

Kansas City, MO 64118

  • Graduating students should return all library items at least one day before Commencement
Damaged Items

What about damaged items?

  • It is the responsibility of the patron to return items in the same condition in which they were checked out.
  • Books are checked for damage both as they are checked out and as they are checked in. 
  • If an item is returned with significant damage, the item will need to be replaced.
  • Patrons will be notified by email of irreparable damage and the replacement cost will be added to the patron’s library account.

Examples of significant damage:

  • Water damage
  • Torn pages
  • Underlining and highlighting
  • Stains
  • Bugs or animal damage
Overdue/Lost Books

Overdue Materials

  • No overdue fines will be charged.
  • Checkout privileges are blocked if 3 or more items are overdue
  • 3 overdue notices will be sent as a courtesy via MBTS student email. Failure to see the notices does not remove the patron’s responsibility to return materials on time
  • If an item is not returned after being overdue for 30 days, the item is declared lost, and a billing notice is sent showing the following fees:
    • MBTS Books--Replacement cost if known, as determined by Library (or default fee of $60) + $20 processing fee
    • MOBIUS/ILL book replacement fee--Determined by lending library
    • Once the charges are sent to Financial Services, they must be paid there. After this point, the book will be replaced and therefore the charge cannot be adjusted even if the original copy is returned.
    • Replacement copies will be accepted at the discretion of library staff
Inclement Weather Policies

The library will close for inclement weather/special events at the direction of administration. Notice of those closings will be published on our social media pages: Facebook & Twitter.

Holiday Closings

The Midwestern Seminary Library will be closed on the following days in 2024:

  • January 1st and 2nd, New Year's Break

  • January 15th, Martin Luther King Jr. Day

  • March 29th through  April 1st, Easter

  • May 27th, Memorial Day

  • July 4th, Independence Day

  • September 2nd, Labor Day

  • November 28th through December 2nd, Thanksgiving

  • December 24th through 31st, Christmas

Self-Serve Coffee

Beginning with the Fall 2020 semester, self-serve coffee from Tomlinson Café will be available for purchase in the Library next to the circulation desk. The two blends offered will be MBTS Blend and Spurgeon Blend. Payment will be accepted by card only.

Conference and Study Rooms

Use of the conference rooms and study rooms within the Library is by reservation. Conference rooms are reserved in one-hour blocks, while individual study rooms are reserved in two-hour blocks. Please do not occupy a conference room or study room without a reservation, or you will be required to vacate it immediately when encroaching on another patron’s reserved time.

Reservations can be made online by clicking here, or you may make a reservation in-person at the circulation desk, either for immediate or future use. Students making reservations for future use are able to reserve a room up to one week in advance. 

Room Reservation Calendar

The copyright law of the United States (title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material.

Under certain conditions specified in the law, libraries and archives are authorized to furnish a photocopy or other reproduction. One of these specific conditions is that the photocopy or reproduction is not to be “used for any purpose other than private study, scholarship, or research.” If a user makes a request for, or later uses, a photocopy or reproduction for purposes in excess of “fair use,” that user may be liable for copyright infringement.

Midwestern Library reserves the right to refuse to accept a copying order if, in its judgment, fulfillment of the order would involve violation of copyright law.

Doctoral Study Carrels Policies


Doctoral carrels are for PhD, DMin, EdD, and DEdMin students for the purpose of having a study space near the Library’s core collection, the seminary classrooms, and essential spaces on campus. Carrels are for individual study/research/writing only.


Residential Doctoral students who wish to reserve a carrel on the 2nd floor may sign up by completing the reservation form at the following link:

Distance Students may also make a reservation while they are on campus. Please use the registration form at the following link:

After making a reservation through the form, you will receive an email from Library staff directing to you the number of the carrel space you will be occupying. 

Before making a reservation, please read the the carrel policies in its entirety

Carrel Use Policies

  • Please use the carrel for the entire duration that you have reserved it. Do not make a reservation for a timeslot if you know in advance you will use the carrel for less than half of the allotted time.
  • No other person is allowed the use of your carrel during your reserved timeslot.
  • Do not move to a carrel to which you were not assigned, even if it is vacant. If you would prefer a different carrel for your timeslot, please speak to Library staff regarding your desire to move.
  • Drinks are allowed in the carrels, but please ensure that your drink is in a container with a lid. Report all spills to Library staff immediately.
  • Food is not permitted in the carrels. The use of toasters, steamers, microwaves, or other electrical food-heating devices in the carrel spaces is likewise prohibited. Please enjoy any prepackaged or already prepared food items you bring with you either in the courtyard immediately beyond the Library exit or at the Mathena Student Center.
  • If you would like to bring a footstool, foot mat, or any similar item, please discuss with Library staff prior to bringing any of these items with you.
  • Cell phones should be placed on silent mode when entering the 2nd floor, and should remain in silent mode for the duration of your time in the carrels.
  • Do not talk on your cell phone while in the carrels or carrel area. If you must take a phone call, please kindly ask the caller to hold, and then exit the Library completely before beginning your phone conversation.
  • Do not have lengthy conversations with others while in the carrels or carrel area. If you must converse with someone, please do so as quietly as possible and keep the length of the conversation to a minimum.
  • Audible audio (from portable speakers, laptops, tablets, smartphones, or other audio players) is not permitted in the carrels. If you like to study/research with music or background sounds playing, please bring closed-end headphones or earbuds with you.
  • If you need to walk around, please exit the room and walk in the Library, outside in the courtyard, or outside on the sidewalks. Do not wander around the carrel area.
  • If you damage or break the carrel lamp, the chair, the outlets, or the carrel itself, you will be held responsible for all repair and replacement costs. Please be alert regarding any personal belongings that could damage any of these items.
  • If you have difficulty turning on the lamp or plugging a device into an outlet, please notify Library staff.
  • All items from the Library collection that are brought into the carrels should be checked out to your student account. Library Use Only resources may be used as well, but please return them to the circulation desk once you are finished using them. Do not leave Library Use Only items anywhere on the 2nd floor.
  • Do not leave behind or attempt to store any personal belongings in the carrels after your reserved timeslot has concluded. Midwestern Library cannot guarantee the security of any belongings left in the carrels, and Midwestern Library will not be held responsible for any lost or stolen belongings.
  • Do not move other Library furniture to the carrels. Please do not use the chairs from other carrels. Do not bring the chairs around the common area table on the 2nd floor to your carrel.
  • Carrel occupants must leave their carrels when the Library closes for chapel on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 9:45 a.m., and they may return at 11:00 a.m. when the Library reopens.
  • Carrel occupants must leave their carrels immediately during alarms or emergencies.
  • Carrel occupants should begin gathering their belongings 15 minutes prior to Library closing.
  • Persons under the age of 18 are not permitted in the carrel area on the 2nd floor.
  • Remember to follow all Midwestern Seminary COVID-19 policies when in the carrel area and in the carrels themselves.
  • If, after you have used a carrel, you learn that you had previously been in close contact in any location with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, or have tested positive for COVID19 yourself, please let Library staff know immediately by emailing
Guest Access

Guests may access the library during the hours listed below. At this time, we are not offering guest cards. We are in the process of changing our library systems and cannot issue new guest cards. Please check with your local public library to request our books through their Inter-Library Loan service. Guests may read any of our books while inside the library.

The library is open to the public Monday through Friday:

8:00 AM to 5:00PM


PLEASE NOTE: The Library will be CLOSED 9:45AM to 11AM on Tuesday and Wednesday for Chapel