
Use the Professional tab for a list of databases containing Doctor of Ministry, Doctor of Counseling, and Doctor of Educational Ministry doctoral projects.

Use the PhD tab for a list of databases containing PhD dissertations.

For a comprehensive search, it is recommended to start with either Worldcat or Worldcat Dissertations to conduct a subject search. Then knowing the title and school granting the degree, the other databases can be searched for online access.

Contact the MBTS Korean Circulation Assistants for assistance with finding online dissertations. Sarah (ychoi@mbts.edu) or Pearl (ptae@mbts.edu)

Finding non-MBTS Dissertations

Search these databases: 

Search Only
  • RIM (Research in Ministry) -- a free "searchable database of indexes and abstracts for doctoral projects and theses from programs accredited by the Association of Theological Schools (ATS). (DMin, DMiss, DEdMin degrees)
  • WorldCat Dissertations and Theses --(Canvas login required) Subset of Worldcat's worldwide database, limiting search results to theses and dissertations. (For sorting by date, see Worldcat and limit search to dissertations and theses.
Online Access
Search/Purchase--Before purchasing, contact Midwestern Library to either arrange for interlibrary loan of print format or MBTS purchase of PDF format.
  • TREN -- source for online and print DMin, DEdMin and Master's theses and projects; Midwestern Library subscribes to this database, allowing downloads of available e-docs.
Finding MBTS Dissertations

Use midwestern project as a Keyword search. Add award to find those projects receiving the award for Outstanding Project for that year. Add other search terms such as spiritual gifts to find projects on specific topics.

Using Keyword Search

Search results will show print, microfiche, and online formats available. Access to online formats requires Canvas login.

Link to Classic Catalog

Go to the Classic Catalog Research Guide for more searching tips.

Using Featured Lists


Use Featured Lists to search for MBTS Doctoral Projects (no login necessary for searching)

All digital MBTS doctoral projects are listed from the earliest to the latest. Links take you to the digital format in ebrary.

Access to online dissertations requires Canvas login.

Finding non-MBTS Dissertations

Search these databases: 

Search Only
  • RIM (Research in Ministry) -- a free "searchable database of indexes and abstracts for doctoral projects and theses from programs accredited by the Association of Theological Schools (ATS). (DMin, DMiss, DEdMin degrees)
  •  WorldCat Dissertations and Theses --(Canvas login required) Subset of Worldcat's worldwide database, limiting search results to theses and dissertations.
Online Access
Search/Purchase--Before purchasing, contact Midwestern Library to either arrange for interlibrary loan of print format or MBTS purchase of PDF format.
  • TREN -- source for online and print DMin, DEdMin and Master's theses and projects; Midwestern Library subscribes to this database, allowing downloads of those available as e-docs
Finding non-MBTS Dissertations

Search these databases: 

Search Only
  • WorldCat Dissertations and Theses -- Subset of Worldcat's worldwide database, limiting search results to theses and dissertations. (For sorting by date, see Worldcat and limit search to dissertations and theses.
Online Access
Search/Purchase--Before purchasing, contact Midwestern Library to either arrange for interlibrary loan of print format or MBTS purchase of PDF format.
Requesting Digital DMin Projects
  1. Select the E-Doc link on the TREN main page.

  2. Select the more search options link near the search e-docs box on the left side of the screen. 

  3. In the Search for Theses/ Dissertations section, search by keyword in the title to search. If you already know the title you want from a bibliography or from searching in Worldcat, you can search by school and/or  author’s last name or a keyword in the title.

  4. You may purchase the dissertations online directly from TREN for immediate use, but Midwestern Library can provide them for you for FREE. TO REQUEST a pdf of a dissertation, please send the author, title and TREN number if available, to circ@mbts.edu. Please remember to request using your MBTS e-mail.

MBTS Award Winning DMin Projects