Wednesday, December 31, 1969



The library has successfully completed its transition to the FOLIO integrated library system (ILS) and has resumed normal operations. Our connection to the collections of other MOBIUS libraries has been restored, and all MOBIUS libraries are working through debugging the system that allows member libraries to lend books to each other. MBTS users may find that some materials are not available yet or are temporarily unavailable as we continue this process with member libraries. Traditional interlibrary loan (ILL) from non-MOBIUS libraries remains inactive while EBSCO and MOBIUS work toward a solution to enable FOLIO to track checkouts of ILL books from non-MOBIUS libraries. If you encounter any errors or access issues, please report them to library staff for troubleshooting.


We have appreciated everyone’s patience during the ILS transition. If you have difficulty gaining access to needed library resources, please let us know so that we may help you find a solution.





Important Library System Update – May 20, 2024

MBTS community,

As you recall, this spring, the library has been in the middle of a transition of our integrated library system (ILS) from our old system to a new system called “FOLIO.” For the most part, this transition process has run smoothly. However, as communicated previously, timelines were subject to change based on factors outside the library’s control as part of the transition process. The purpose of this update is to communicate with you regarding what you can expect and when about resuming certain library services.

We will resume checking out books belonging to MBTS at 8AM on Thursday, May 23. Additionally, we will begin processing hold pickup requests that morning for any books from our main collection and our remote storage collection. Due to ongoing library projects, some books from our remote storage collection may not be available for immediate request, but we will ensure that any requested books are made available for checkout as quickly as possible and try to offer a suitable alternative solution in the meantime.

MOBIUS Borrowing Update: As MOBIUS member libraries have been testing the new MOBIUS catalog, they have found a need for additional preparation before going live. To ensure a successful launch, the MOBIUS board has decided, in collaboration with EBSCO (the provider of FOLIO), to delay the MOBIUS catalog launch until June 12, 2024. Unfortunately, this means the MBTS library cannot request or check out books from MOBIUS member libraries until that date. If you need books not in MBTS collection in the meantime, please reach out to library staff at for help finding books at other local public libraries.

We appreciate your understanding and flexibility with the transition to the new ILS. Please let us know if you have any questions or how we can be of help to you in your library resource needs.





The Coppenger Library has begun a major project to transition our Integrated Library System (ILS) to new software. This new system, once fully implemented, will result in improved library services for our seminary community. However, throughout this process, there will be some disruptions to library services. We desire to ensure that you have the library resources you need when you need them, so to aid during this time of transition, we are informing you of some key dates in the project and how they may affect you as a library user. Below is the most up-to-date timeline of what to expect.

  • CURRENT: Prospector borrowing and lending has been suspended indefinitely. No new Prospector requests will be fulfilled, and current checkouts must be returned to lending libraries by their respective due dates. MOBIUS hopes to reinstate Prospector borrowing and lending in the future.
  • Friday, March 8: Final day for Interlibrary Loan (ILL) requests for print books. All returnable ILL items must be checked in by this date. No new print-book ILL requests can be processed until the transition is completed. Scan requests for items owned by Midwestern will continue to be fulfilled through ILL as usual. Article requests will continue to be fulfilled through ILL as usual. We encourage users who need to receive print books through ILL after this date to pursue print-book ILL services with their local public libraries and/or guest privileges at nearby academic libraries.
  • Thursday, April 18: Final day for MOBIUS borrowing and lending. No new MOBIUS requests can be processed, and the MOBIUS/Classic catalogs will be permanently inaccessible. All future access to the library catalog will be incorporated through the Joshua search function.
  • Friday, April 19, through Tuesday, April 23: MOBIUS/EBSCO engineers construct the new library catalog for Midwestern. During this period, you may experience some interruptions or incomplete search results when using the Joshua search function.
  • Friday, May 3: FINAL DAY TO CHECK OUT PRINT BOOKS. No new checkouts can be made until the transition is completed. All current checkouts for faculty and returning students will be extended to August 16. Please check out any books that you need for the summer before Friday, May 3, as the project completion date is subject to change.
  • Wednesday, May 22: Expected completion of transition to new ILS. Library services are anticipated to return to normal operations.

We appreciate your patience throughout this process as we transition to our new ILS. While we understand the disruptions outlined above are inconvenient, we hope that informing you of key dates will help ensure that you do not find yourself in a position of being unable to access the library resources you need.

Please note that as the ILS transition is ongoing and relies on personnel from other organizations, key dates and disruptions to services are subject to change. Therefore, we ask that you please check the library’s ILS transition update page regularly. If you have any questions about the ILS transition and its effects on library services, please contact Dr. Millsap ( or Chris Vaughn (